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School Counsellors and School Counselling around the World

Source: CCPA
Source: CCPA

The definition of "School Counsellor" varies around the world. This article briefly summarizes differences in titles, qualifications, focus of work, and professional associations in 40 different countries. Although there is great variation in all these areas, School Counsellors are united their location within the school system and focus on directly supporting students' success and wellbeing. For instance, you may notice that all School Counsellors support students' academic and career journeys - an activity sometimes called "guidance". Furthermore, you may notice that all School Counsellors support students' emotional and mental wellbeing and/or personal development - an activity sometimes called "counselling" or "psychotherapy".

I used Chat GPT to generate lists of qualifications as it can do the research (and translation) much quicker than I can. ChatGPT also suggested which focus area to bold (signifying that this is the most heavily-weighted focus area for that region) based on the following criteria: cultural context, current events, educational policy, expert recommendations, professional standards, and research data. Please contact me if you find any errors in this article. Your feedback will help to make the content accurate and complete.



Title: Orientador Escolar (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, social work; certification

Focus: academics, career, mental health, personal development, social skills

Association: Asociación de Profesionales de la Orientación de la República Argentina (Association of Guidance Professionals of the Argentine Republic) and Asociación Argentina de Counselors (Argentinian Association of Counsellors)


Title: School Counsellor, Guidance Counsellor

Qualifications: graduate diploma in counselling, master of counselling

Focus: academics, career, crisis intervention, mental health, social-emotional learning


Title: Guidance Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, counselling, social work; master's in counselling or education

Focus: academics, career, counselling, mental health, social skills


Title: Orientador Educacional (Educational Advisor)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology or education, specialization in educational psychology or counselling

Focus: academics, career, counselling, emotional support, social skills

Association: Conselho Federal de Psicologia (Federal Council of Psychology)


Title: педагогически съветник (Pedagogical Counsellor), училищен психолог (School Psychologist), училищен консултант (School Consultant)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, pedagogy, social work; master's in counselling or educational psychology

Focus: academics, career, crisis intervention, emotional support, social skills

Association: Bulgarian Psychological Society


Title: School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, counselling, or education; master's in counselling or school psychology; regional certification requirements (e.g. in BC, a teacher's qualification)

Focus: academics, career, counselling, crisis intervention, mental health, personal development


Title: Orientadore Escolare (School Counsellor), Psicólogo Educativo (Educational Psychologist)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology or education; master's in educational psychology or counselling

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Colegio de Psicologos de Chile (Chilean Psychological Association)


Title: 学校辅导员 (School Counsellor), 学校心理学家 (School Psychologist)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, education, or counselling; master's degree preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, social skills


Title: Orientador Escolar (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, social work, or education; specialization in counseling or educational psychology

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Unión Nacional Sindical de Educadores, Coordinadores y Orientadores de Colombia (National Union of Educators, Coordinators and Counselors of Colombia)


Title: Koulukuraattori (School Social Worker), Koulupsykologit (School Psychologist), Opinto-ohjaaja (Educational Counsellor)

Qualifications: master's in psychology, counseling, or a related field

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, social skills


Title: Conseiller d'éducation (Educational Advisor), Conseiller d'Orientation (Guidance Advisor)

Qualifications: master's in psychology or educational science; specialization in school counselling preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: L’Association des Psychologues et de Psychologie dans l'Education nationale (The Association of Psychologists and Psychology in National Education)


Title: Beratungslehrer (School Counsellor), Schulpsychologe (School Psychologist)

Qualifications: master's degree in psychology, education, or counselling; specialization in school counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, counselling, emotional support, social skills

Association: Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (Professional Association of German Psychologists)


Title: Σύμβουλος Σχολείου (School Counselor), σύμβουλος σχολικής ψυχολογίας (School Psychology Counsellor), δάσκαλος καθοδήγησης (Guidance Teacher)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, education, or social work; master's in counseling or school counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, counselling, emotional support, social skills


Title: Guidance Counsellor, School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, education, or social work; master's in counselling psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Konselor Sekolah (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or counselling; master's degree is preferred

Focus: academics, career, counselling, mental health, social skills


Title: Insegnante di Sostegno (Support Teacher), Consulente Scolastico (School Consultant)

Qualifications: master's degree in psychology or education; specialization in counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Associazione Italiana Psicologia Scolastica (Italian Association of School Psychology)


Title: スクールカウンセラー or 学校カウンセラー (School Counselor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or social work; master's degree in school counselling or psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Guidance and Counselling Teacher

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree is preferred

Focus: academics, career, counselling, emotional support, mental health


Title: Kaunselor Sekolah (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree in counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, social skills

Association: International Counseling Association of Malaysia (warning: link plays music)


Title: Orientador Escolar (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's in psychology or education; master's degree in counseling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Asociación Mexicana de Orientación Psicológica y Psicoterapia (Mexican Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)


Title: School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Namibian Counselling Association (no link available)


Title: Schoolmaatschappelijk Werker (School Social Worker),

Qualifications: master's degree in psychology, pedagogy, or education with specialization in counselling or psychology

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, social skills

Association: Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (Netherlands Institute of Psychology)

New Zealand

Title: School Guidance Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in counselling or educational psychology is often required

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Guidance Counsellor, School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counseling, or education; master's degree in counselling psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Guidance Counsellor, School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or social work; master's degree in counselling or clinical psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Orientadore Escolare (School Counsellor), Psicólogo Educativo (Educational Psychologist)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in counselling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Guidance Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or social work; master's degree in counselling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Orientadore Escolare (School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in educational psychology or counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (Portuguese Psychological Association)


Title: социальный педагог ("Social Educator", School Counsellor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in counselling or educational psychology is often required

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Saudi Arabia

Title: مرشد طلابي (Student Counselor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: no known formal association


Title: School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counselling, or education; master's in counselling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

South Africa

Title: School Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in psychology or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

South Korea

Title: 학교 상담교사 (School Counselling Teacher)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree in school counselling or psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Korean Counselling Association (no live link), Korea International School Counselor Association


Title: Orientador Escolare (School Counselor)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology or education; master's degree in educational psychology or counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Vägledare (Guidance Counsellor), Skolkuratorer (School Curator)

Qualifications: master's degree in psychology or education; specialization in school counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Sveriges Vägledarförening (Swedish Association of Guidance Counsellors) and Sveriges Skolkuratorers Förening (Sweden's Association of School Curators)


Title: แนะแนว (Guide), ที่ปรึกษา (Consultant)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or counselling; master's degree in counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development


Title: Rehber öğretmen (Guidance Teacher), Rehberlik öğretmeni (Guidance Educator)

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, guidance and counselling, or education; master's in counselling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği (Turkish Psychological Counselling and Guidance Association)


Title: Guidance Counsellor

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, education, or social work; master's degree in counselling or educational psychology is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

Association: Uganda Counselling Association (no live link)

United Kingdom

Title: School Counsellor, School Therapist

Qualifications: bachelor's degree in psychology, counselling, or education; master's degree in counselling, educational psychology, or school counselling is preferred

Focus: academics, career, emotional support, mental health, personal development

United States of America

Title: School Counselor

Qualifications: master's degree in counselling, psychology, or social work; specific degree in school counselling is often preferred, depending on state

Focus: academics, career, crisis intervention, mental health, social and emotional learning

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